Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Culture: Malagasy Exposed!

Family is very important to the culture of Madagascar. They are a lot like the Japanese when it comes to this. The daughters must marry someone the parents want them too. Usually the families live together and our unseperable the aunts,uncles, cousins, grandparents, parents, and children all work the same farms together and when the young children grow up they usually live very close by. Respect for elders is held in high esteem in fact there is a wise proverb that shows this Malagasy proverb says "The speech is for the elder, and the burden for the younger". The Malagasy people are a very friendly and sensitive tribe they tend not to force their beliefs on anyone who does not want them. The Malagasy people are generally religious. Nearly 80 per cent are Catholics and protestants. The rest of the population believe in God the Creator called "Zanahary"
Madagascar now has a new flag which represents the the three main cultures, English, French, and Malagasy.

Here are a few sayings in the language of Malagasy
-Hello: Salama e!
- Good bye: Veloma.
- Welcome: Tonga soa.
- Excuse me: Azafady.
- Book: Boky

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